Cry Once Theory

At Savage Cement, we like to follow the “Cry Once Theory” of running our company.

What is the Cry Once Theory?

As told to me by my late great grandfather, it goes like this.

You spend the most you can afford to fix the problem, so you don’t have to pay again and again on the problem. Thus you Cry Once about the cost.

For instance, if your water heater goes out at your home. You go to the store and look for the best, most reliable water heater you can afford.

If you were to buy the cheapest most convenient water heater, it probably would not last as long, and you’ll be crying again about having to spend your hard-earned money again on the same problem.

In every aspect of Savage Cement, the Product and Company, as a whole we only deal with the best in staff, logistics, machinery, ingredients, vendors, & installers to bring you a Cry Once product.


Savage Cement